Nintendo NX Will Be Launched in March, 2017

Nintento NX Concept

Nintendo announced the Nintendo NX will be out globally in March 2017. It is presented by their side in their financial statements the end of March. Until yesterday, Nintendo gaming platform still uses the code name "NX" as a new concept device.

Mentioned also some title that will come out on Nintendo NX series is a new Zelda and Dragon Quest. Does not rule out also Nintendo will release more games like Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros., Animal Crossing, and some other franchise.

What Actually Happened to Nintendo NX?

Until now, there was no sign of Nintendo will soon introduce its new console, which is known as the Nintendo NX.

Perhaps many gamers are curious, surprised, bored even wait for this console that never arrived. Behind all sense it, is actually a very reasonable thing for Nintendo to get extra time in the development of NX. Why is that?

Naturally gamers do not forget that NX was developed by Nintendo since 2014 when the company was under the leadership of Satoru Iwata. And as gamers know, in July 2015, Iwata died-and its leadership replaced by Tatsumi Kimishima.

Obviously this causes a gap wide enough for the process development and production of this new console. Arguably Nintendo NX has been a relay between the two heads project that will require more time and hard work to complete.

For that, perhaps for the moment still seems Nintendo NX internal affairs of companies that have not suitable for consumption by the public.


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